Wednesday, March 4, 2009

On pics and profs

I'm doing a small experiment with the picture inserting thingy on you, my fair readers, are gifted with one of my favorite pictures from our recent trip to San Francisco.

I am looking into compressing all of the pictures so that I can send them in email form to those of you who expressed interest. something resembling an article...

In my opinion, there are three distinct types of teachers: the terribly boring "old guard", the middle grounded baby boomers, and the sickly bubbly, completely unproductive, new teachers. As I progress in my schooling I am rapidly developing my own idea of the perfect teacher. While I enjoy the straight forward style of my political science professor, I find him, at times, to be incredibly boring. While I enjoy the way in which he allows the facts to speak for themselves I often find myself wishing that he put just a bit more excitement behind them. Perhaps this has something to do with the age in which these professors were taught but it is evident and pervasive throughout Sonoma's faculty that there is a continuum in teaching method.
This analysis is certainly not perfect. There are some that break out of their "age group" and attempt a different style, and there are also those that fall between categories. However, I find that the worst of all the types is that of the bubbly, completely "interactive" teacher. Why has this become the "model teacher"? Are we losing interest in the real subjects and looking for entertainment in the classroom instead of learning? If that is the case, then I'm not sure I'd like to teach. I don't see the professor as an entertainer, and while, sometimes, it may be appropriate to liven up one's audience, it should not be the focus. Sadly, I have seen many teachers, new to the field, take up this position as entertainer, and, quite frankly, it horrifies me.

Just something to think about.

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