Friday, May 29, 2009

Diary of the Passionless

If my calculations are correct this is the last few hours of my first week of summer. Unfortunately little progress has been made in the job department and my writing is stagnating from lack of prompts. Why is it that I seem to need prompts in order to write? If I don't have prompts I need to get angry (also known as "passionate") in order to get any good writing done. Without 'passion' I suppose I would be forced to more 'verbal diarrhea' posts like this one. I suppose that my recent bout of finals has drained my intellectual waters. Perhaps I just need time to re-water my brain sponge with more material.

I hope for your sake and mine that this bout doesn't last too long. Or you, my fair reader, may resort to eating your keyboard as you read each insufferable line of my verbal spillage. I'm terribly sorry.

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