Friday, July 10, 2009

Nikola Tesla's Birthday

I watched a really interesting snippet for Nikola Tesla's birthday today. It really is a shame that his genius was nearly lost on the people of his time. Tesla's wildest designs are now becoming reality and his more minor ones (who likes the radio?) continue to change our world. However, we are more likely to pay homage to his chief competitor, Edison, rather than the real genius behind the technology. Despite his inventiveness and dedication to peace, his technology, according to this show, is capable of being formed into weapons of untold power.
While the whole show was interesting, I was particularly enamored with the way he dealt with these possible weapons of mass destruction. In one instance he separated the schematics and distributed these chunks of research to the governments of Canada, Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union. Tesla felt that in order for this particular weapon to be realized the great nations of the world would need to cooperate with each other. While I'm not really sure why Canada came into the mix I think his idea is generally impressive. I have attached a link to the 'interesting show' and I encourage my readers to watch it. It truly is fascinating. Although, a bit of warning, it is rather long at 40 or so minutes.

Tesla's rumored "time travel" research and legitimate statements regarding such travel will also make an appearance in my latest stories. Stay tuned.

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